
I'm a fresh Youth Services Librarian at the Grand Rapids Public Library! I just finished graduated school, and I'm hoping to get out and make a difference in this rampant literary world! I'm usually found at whimsylibrarian.tumblr.com

October 2013
reviewed: Canine Comics: Six Daring Doggie Adventures (Martha Speaks Series)
The first comic panel was the BEST! Its been awhile since a kids comic struck me as hilarious! The rest of the stories were o...
Canine Comics: Six Daring Doggie Adventures (Martha Speaks Series) - Susan Meddaugh
reviewed: Storytimes for Everyone! Developing Young Children's Language and Literacy
This book is fantastic for new ideas or enhancing your storytime. I am definitely going to try their science storytimes---and...
Storytimes for Everyone!: Developing Young Children's Language & Literacy - Saroj Nadkarni Ghoting, Pamela Martin-diaz
reviewed: Pedal It!: How Bicycles are Changing the World
This was a great informative read. The transition between bicycle history, modern & global uses are executed nicely. I defini...
Pedal It!: How Bicycles are Changing the World (Footprints) - Michelle Mulder
reviewed: I Want a Sister (Little Princess)
I think some kids have the gift of prediction---and others fail. :) I liked the background characters and guessing at matchin...
I Want a Sister (Little Princess) - Tony Ross
reviewed: World Food Alphabet
This is a great introduction to cultures around the world especially through food. I was caught up more in the pictures than ...
World Food Alphabet - Chris Caldicott
reviewed: This Place Is Wet (Imagine Living Here)
The format was different as you could get caught up in the pictures and want to skip over the information. It was informative...
This Place Is Wet (Imagine Living Here) - Vicki Cobb
This is black humor at its finest. :)
Maude: The Not-So-Noticeable Shrimpton - Lauren Child, Trisha Krauss
The use of language in this book is exquisite! This book transported me to Switzerland and log cabins----and you just stare a...
Once Upon a Northern Night - Jean E. Pendziwol, Isabelle Arsenault
SO CUTE! I love how this picture book is in graphic novel format.
Hocus Pocus Takes the Train - Sylvie Desrosiers, Remy Simard
Classic story----but still depressing to read. It's how early should you prep a kid for tragic Romeo & Juliet stories, lol?
The Steadfast Tin Soldier - Cynthia Rylant, Jen Corace, Hans Christian Andersen
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October 2013
This book was fantastic. A really sizzling, hot read. If you do not like erotica content. Don't read this book. :P I think wh...
The Parting Glass - Josh Lanyon
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October 2013
WOW. I must admit---I have read A LOT in the romance genre over the years. I have not really touched GLBT adult romances. I...
In a Dark Wood - Josh Lanyon
2.5 starsI picked up this book because the concept was intriguing. The return did not pay off for the initial time I invested...
The Archived - Victoria Schwab
The only reason I heard of this book is due to a Twitter post that linked this article: School Approved SmutI was going whaa...
Make Lemonade (Make Lemonade, Book 1) - Virginia Euwer Wolff
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October 2013
EPIC. EPIC. I do not care what anyone says. I was engrossed. It reminded me of World War Z, but with robots, and I loved ever...
Robopocalypse - Daniel H. Wilson
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Currently reading

The Brothers K
David James Duncan
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration
Isabel Wilkerson
Where'd You Go, Bernadette
Maria Semple
A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)
George R.R. Martin